Flight Training


   The Seminole Radio Control Club has a training program designed to get you to the point of  being able to control your airplane without that feeling of "What NOW!!?" We have a Club Trainer and a group of members who have agreed to offer their services as instructors. Our general training time, weather permitting, is Tuesday after 3:00 PM, although it is certainly possible to make other arrangements with an instructor. You can use the email links or phone numbers given below. Whether you plan to use the scheduled training time or would like to make other arrangements, it is strongly suggested that you first contact one of the instructors. That way we can plan on how many people may show up for training.

Michael Atkinson -Training Coordinator  Phone: (850) 251-2694

Jim Ogorek - Instructor  Phone:  (850) 766-2477

Jeff Owens - Instructor (model checkout and setup)

Troy Emmett (Large Aircraft) Phone: (770) 546-6199

Geoff Lawrence Phone: (850) 591-6879